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The sacrament of Holy Communion is a special moment in the life of every parishioner of a Christian church. The chalice is a special cup for Communion. It is a tall vessel with a round base, which includes an upper and lower circle. These circles symbolise the two combined aspects — the human and divine nature of Jesus Christ.

The chalice is the cup in which, during the sacrament of Holy Communion, the red wine is transformed into the blood of Jesus Christ. Receiving Him inwardly symbolises the highest degree of faith and spiritual purification of man. The sequence of passing the Communion has a clear hierarchical order, from clergy to laity.

The church chalice can have different sizes. A small vessel is used in the process of individual sacraments or during few services. But in every temple of God there is the largest vessel, which is the main attribute of Holy Communion on major Christian feasts or other important events