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Where does Christianity begin? An eternal question, the answer to which can vary: for each believer, it is personal and correct for everyone. However, probably every Christian will agree that it is with a small church candle that our participation in the rite, our prayer, and our appeal to God begins.

Undoubtedly, a lit candle is a symbol of a person’s unwavering and bright faith in higher powers, and its significance in Christianity is hard to overestimate. In any temple or church, you will always find a place where you can buy church candles: paraffin or beeswax, of various sizes and qualities. Candles are traditionally purchased in advance to avoid creating chaos in the temple and to honor the traditions of behavior within it.

There is a belief that buying candles outside the church is wrong and contradicts Orthodox canons. The manufacturer “Ros-Vinnytsia” specializes in producing exclusively church utensils and is a supplier of products for churches and temples.

We offer you beeswax church candles from the manufacturer, made in compliance with all norms and standards at reasonable prices. It is worth noting that the production of church candles is a labor-intensive and lengthy process that requires quality raw materials and appropriate equipment. As a manufacturer, we guarantee the quality of our product and assure you that they are made with love